Local job site MinnesotaJobs.com has done a nice job overhauling ts web design the past year. Recently I took a look at what they are doing right. On mobile they now list a link to apply under the job in search results. I asked them by email if it has had an affect: “Yes, it…
Tag: web design
This niche board just launched a beautiful new redesign
I have said for many years that a well designed job board goes a long way towards helping your sales and gaining new users. Recently the folks at niche job board CoolWorks, which features adventure/outdoor type jobs around the USA underwent a redesign and I thought it was a great example of job board web design….
Coding your own job board? Use these design guidelines
If you are about to code your own job board board rather than using an existing solution here are my basic guidelines to ensure you do it right. You need to think about serving 2 audiences—job seeker and employer. I hope you find these tips/examples useful. a) Make it mobile friendly. Your site should render…
Tale of 2 New Job Boards (premium)
Ok so I discovered two new job boards that launched recently but the difference between them is night and day. One is doomed to fail, the other should do just fine. The difference between them is all about design. One sucks, the other doesn’t. Each of these sites put out a press release. PowerPlantWorker.com: prweb.com/releases/2012/5/prweb9441320.htm…
The Big Red Button (premium)
Colors are important. And when it comes to buttons, the bolder the better. Particularly for “Post a Job” buttons. There’s a reason Jobamatic sites come with a big red post a job button. It calls attention to the number one way you’ll make money. Through employers. So make your post a job buttons big and…
How to find a web designer for your job board (free)
One of my clients asked me recently if I had any good recommendations for a web designer to redesign her job board. I do all my own designs so I didnt really have a good answer for her. But if I ever needed one here’s what I would do. 1. Post something on the Job…