Even though I have a large job board network I dont get many phone calls. I put my company’s phone number on every page of every site to encourage that they call but the truth is job boards are mainly an online transactional business. The phone number gives them piece of mind. They trust sites…
Tag: sales
My Sales Strategies (premium)
I dont do cold calls. Too much effort for too little reward. Plus my business is well established so I dont really have to. Instead I rely on 3 things for driving sales to my job boards…targeted emails, faxing and direct mail. Recently I showed you 2 tools to find email addresses off other job…
Freakin’ awesome tool to generate sales (premium)
Last week I discovered what might be the greatest tool a job board owner could ever have. It is called Email Grabber. It’s a program that crawls any website and collects ALL the emails it finds. It’s instant lead generation every job board should have. Before I found this tool I had been thinking about…
Job Board Sales Strategies (premium)
So you want to run a job board? Well be prepared to be in it for the long haul. Online job sites are not a get rich quick business. They take time to build and grow. To be successful, you must nurture it and have long time horizon for results.Like many small businesses, the vast…
Best time to conduct sales (premium)
While you are trying to sell into employers and recruiters be aware of the best times to reach them. Here are some guidelines I’ve compiled over the years. Generally you’ll do most of your business between the hours of 9am and 6pm. That is when most recruiters, HR people and business owners post their jobs….
Job board hours (free)
Running a job board? Expect to keep fairly standard business hours. Generally you’ll do most of your business between the hours of 9am and 6pm. That is when most recruiters, HR people and business owners post their jobs. The weekends will bring a job or two but don’t expect much activity. Tuesdays are probably the…
Best day for job board sales? (free)
Chris talks about the best days of the week for job board sales.
Some advice if you hire a sales person (free)
I don’t hire sales reps to sell my boards. Instead I rely on SEO and Google Adwords to generate leads and sales as well as doing some lead gen on my own a few hours each week. But if you want to hire a sales person to really grow your site, here is some advice…