If you have a blog with traffic, you have a good use case for adding a job board to the mix. Blogs, a or many kinds of niche topic websites can easily add jobs to their sites using simple plugins like a Ziprecruiter search box, a WordPress job board theme with backfill or a cloud…
Tag: blogging
Ramp Up Content Creation with These Cool Tools (member only)
Do you struggle with creating blog content? Well I just discovered some cool tools that will help you crank out content much faster.
This is an excellent way to get content for your blog
Crowdsource your content by doing a Q&A over email with industry experts. Here’s an example of an email I just received from a staffing firm looking for blog content. Hi there, I work for the content marketing company Media Shower, and I’m writing on behalf of GDH Consulting, an agency that helps companies source and…
How I use Linkedin to get traffic (premium)
Linkedin has a lot of eyeballs and if you play your cards right you can leverage it for a certain amount of free traffic. Here’s how I do it. If you have a job board you’re going to need a blog for this. A simple wordpress site or tumblr will do the trick. Create a…