I’m seeing a nice uptick in traffic once I switched niches and changed JobsWithRelo.com into JobsWithRemote.com that offered a more appealing and broader niche to job seekers. So far I am happy with the results. Nearly 2/3 of my traffic is coming from two sources: search engines and social media. Google Jobs is starting to…
Category: Premium Content
Job Boards Will Love This Lead Gen Tool (member only)
8Legs is an awesome lead gen tool that I have recently started using. Access it here: https://www.8legs.com/ Cost $30 per month. It lets you search employer career sites and other job boards according to keywords and displays any emails it finds on those sites. You set up an email template, do your keyword search and go…
Use This Free Tool to Create Job Board Content (member only)
Many job board owners struggle with creating content. But I have always had luck getting it from other people. Namely users and people in my social networks. So here’s the idea. Use the free Google Forms service to survey your registered seekers and candidates. Google Forms, which is part of the Google Driver service (for gmail…
This WorkMeme is a Home Run on Social Media (member only)
When it comes to using social media to build your job board I’m a big fan of Work Memes you can find online. Case in point any meme from the movie ‘Office Space’. I’ve been running social media for JobsInTheUS.com the past few months and this one I posted went totally viral. Since I posted…
How to find free XML job feeds to use (member only)
I don’t like to start sites with no job listings so I use publicly available XML job feeds I find online to populate my sites like HRtechTalent. Using the Auto-import function in my Jobboard.io account I am pulling in 3 feeds, one for HRIS jobs, one for iCiMS jobs and one for jobs at Kronos….
Lead Gen Email Examples (member only)
Messaging employers for leads is part art, part science. I’ve tried a lot of experimentation when it comes to this. Generally speaking I can get open rates of 25-50% depending on the product and quality of each email lead. Some of my best success came from using Hubspot’s sales CRM. I was able to create…
Facebook Traffic Growth Hack (member only)
This post is for paid members only.
This job site needs to exist but doesn’t (member only)
I hear from job seekers nearly every week. One of the struggles they have in the job hunt is trying to relocate for a job. Right now in the USA (and the world) there are millions of people who would take a job in another city/state if they knew how to get it. And that…
Content Marketing Tips for Job Board Owners (member only)
Every job board, whether local, niche or national, should be creating, sharing and promoting all aspects of a job search and careers. I can’t emphasize this enough. If you aren’t willing or able to crank out good content to your audience then perhaps running a job board is not for you. The more content you…
One tip for getting more applies to your site’s jobs (member only)
Are you looking to drive more targeted job seekers to your client’s jobs? Hire a Sourcer. Bring on someone to do candidate reach out and send them links to the jobs they may be qualified for. An ongoing effort like this can serve to make your employers happy and maintain a steady stream of applies….