I’m not a huge fan of facebook fan pages for job boards. I’ve used it for my flagship site for years but it never really gained many followers. But lately its picked up a few fans and I think I know why. I have it setup to re-post certain jobs but I recently began an effort to…
Category: Marketing
Job board marketing tools, tops and tactics.
My Sales Strategies (premium)
I dont do cold calls. Too much effort for too little reward. Plus my business is well established so I dont really have to. Instead I rely on 3 things for driving sales to my job boards…targeted emails, faxing and direct mail. Recently I showed you 2 tools to find email addresses off other job…
Freakin’ awesome tool to generate sales (premium)
Last week I discovered what might be the greatest tool a job board owner could ever have. It is called Email Grabber. It’s a program that crawls any website and collects ALL the emails it finds. It’s instant lead generation every job board should have. Before I found this tool I had been thinking about…
Secret advertising tip for job boards
If you haven’t considered advertising on LinkedIn you may want to consider it. They now allow you to advertise to GROUPS. Since LI is now a massive competitor to all us job boards we might as well use it to our advantage. Much like facebook and Google adwords you just need a few bucks a…
Outsourcing your lead gen (premium)
I’ve talked about how to find leads for your job boards before. The best and most obvious way is going to the other job boards that you compete with and get their email, address or fax number and then send then targeted marketing to use your site instead. So it got me thinking how to…
7 ways to drive traffic to your job board (premium)
A reader asks: I was wondering if you had any interesting tips for driving additional traffic to the site. Well first I would say read all the posts I’ve done on marketing your job board. But in the interest of time here are several ways to dive traffic to your job board. 1. Indeed &…
The Freemium Job Board (free)
Most job boards are either free or paid. But very few offer a ‘freemium‘ model where some things are free and some products are paid for. As things get more “free-er” (and more people will expect free) I think a freemium model is a good way to go for some job boards. You could offer…
Job Board Sales Strategies (premium)
So you want to run a job board? Well be prepared to be in it for the long haul. Online job sites are not a get rich quick business. They take time to build and grow. To be successful, you must nurture it and have long time horizon for results.Like many small businesses, the vast…
The other aggregators (free)
You all know about Indeed & SimplyHired but there are a growing number of other sources to broadcast your jobs too. Recently I have begun using some of these other job search engines to get traffic. Here’s the skinny; JuJu – the number 3 aggregator also know as (job-search-engine.com). Based in NYC. TopUSAJobs – a…
What comes first (premium)
It’s often said they you need both job seekers and employers coming to your job board to make it effective. And that is certainly true. You have two audiences. But which comes first? What side should you target? The answer is both but I will say that getting one is easier than the other. Its…