If you want to know where the job board market is headed look no further than these 3 sites. To me they are where things are going. Meaning a more VISUAL job experience including behind the scenes looks at companies. These 3 sites are leading with pictures not job listings. The job listings are just…
Category: Ideas
Ideas for new job boards.
Thoughts on aggregating jobs (member only)
Lately a lot of talk in the job board industry has been around aggregation. Linkedin will be going it. So will Monster. Aggregating jobs is becoming commonplace. So what is a niche job board supposed to do? I think job boards need to start adding their own aggregation. Its a feature employers are beginning to…
Is pot the next great job niche?
With the explosion of medical marijuana sweeping many states like Colorado and Washington, I’m starting to wonder if pot is the next great job niche. A quick search of ‘marijuana jobs‘ on Google shows only 2 real sites: Cannajobs.com and THCjobs.com. If you are looking for a niche thats about to take off this one…
Lets get visual (member only)
Since the web is getting more visual I think job boards need to start doing so as well. I think job descriptions need to get much more visual! With more colors, more social integration and more logos. A job board that starts to take design of its job descriptions more creatively will have a way…
We need more aggregators
File this under things that need to exist. We need a job board only job search engine/directory that lets job boards get indexed for free and helps job seekers uncover more sources. I think job seekers are not discovering all the possible jobs that are online, especially among the niche job boards. Indeed.com is listing…
Go Global for new niches (member only)
Most niche job boards are located in the United States. There are probably 10-15 sites for any industry if you know where to look. But globally speaking, there are not as many. I own JobsinSocialMedia.com and have been thinking about creating a canadian and/or uk version. Ive gotten a few emails the past year from…
Hopping on the temp job bandwagon
I have been reading recently of the surge in temp hiring across the US. Basically employers are really gravitating towards hiring temp workers to fill certain voids. So it got me thinking about a temp job board. I did some searches and couldn’t find may. There was Net-temps, and that was really about it. So…
Why doesn’t this niche job board exist? (member only)
I was at a conference recently when another job board owner posed this question to me. Why is there no other site that targets part-time jobs other than Snag-a-Job? Its a good question and one I have been wondering about myself. A few years back I started looking at that space. Here’s what I found….
Should I build a Reverse Job Board?
A member wants to know if he should build a site that makes candidates pay. I wrote about it in the past here. These are called ‘reverse job boards’. I’m currently researching building a job board website for tradesmen (builders, plumbers etc). This would be different to your normal job board site in that it’s…
What a facebook job board should be (member only)
So as you know from my post on Monday the facebook job board was a flop. So I thought I’d write about what I would do if I were them. But this post is just for you premium readers, Facebook will have to pay me to get my advice!