The Smart Job Board platform which has been around for over 10 years and powers more than 400 job boards online is one of my top choices when it comes a hosted job board solution. I did a 25 minute Zoom interview with their founder Rodion Telpizov and asked him what they are planning for…
Category: Free Content
EOY To Do’s for Job Board Owners
The end of year for job boards is always a great time to take stock of your current site and get ready for the year ahead. Traditionally the period between Christmas and New years is quite inactive for most employers so don’t expect too many sales. Instead, take the time to clean things up and…
Business Models for Job Boards
Jobiqo has published a new ebook detailing the 6 different business models of job boards. It’s a good primer on how job boards make money. In this video I discuss the ebook with their UK Managing Director, Richard Essex. Download the ebook here.
Q&A With
There are lots of niche job boards online that serve a unique segment of the job market. is one of those sites. Their site just underwent a WordPress redesign and I love their new look. Owner Peter Askew offered to answer some questions from me over email and today’s post is all about their…
Dice Touts Improvements to its Job Board
DHI Group, parent company of IT job board, has announced 2019 improvements to its employer experience with Applications Management. This comes on the heels of major enhancements to both job posting and jobs management earlier this year, helping employers easily manage the tech hiring process from start to finish – all from a single… Aiming High in Job Search
Let’s face it, no one knew how to pronounce or spell the name ‘neuvoo‘. So when i saw the news last week that the job search company had acquired a top tier domain like, I saw it as a much needed move if they ever want to take on the Indeed’s of the world….
Demo of JobMount
JobMount run by Aspen Tech Labs (one of my sponsors) did a demo with me over video. Check out my Q&A with their COO Andrew and get a look at the platform.
WebSpiderMount’s Job Scraping Service
Every job board needs jobs and there are a few services that exist today such as WebSpiderMount which help job boards to automate job scraping (aka ‘job wrapping’) for their employer clients. Here’s a look at what it is and how it works.
Google for Jobs Traffic Has Plateaued, Will It Disappear for Good?
There hasn’t been much news coming out of Google lately regarding Google for Jobs, the job search feature which launched over 2 years ago. The last update they had was back in June when it was announced they had entered France. Before that, they had enabled a remote jobs filter back in February. Last week…
Esports, Workmate and More Job Board Headlines
Here’s a quick roundup of job boards in the news. Hitmarker In two days, the esports job platform Hitmarker reached their target of £80,000. And in less than a week, they’ve reached their self-imposed ceiling of £200,000. Hitmarker launched the campaign in hopes of raising money to grow the number of jobs posted on the…