There are a lot of recruiters on twitter. If you did a survey I bet recruiters, sales people and social media consultants are in the top 10 occupations for people on the platform. So from a job board or HR tech product standpoint you better be engaging with them, after all, your business depends on…
Some domain tips and tricks (member only)
If you run multiple products and services off one domain name (like I do on CareerCloud) it may be handy to have a unique domain name for each product or service to use in your online marketing to make it shorter and easier to remember. I’ll use one of my apps as an example. InstaJob… is a well designed job board
Niche job board has a new look which I really dig. Its one of those “micro-niche” type job boards that focus on one type of job. In this case, Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs). They just introduced a new “badging” system for their job seekers. According to the article; For those on the job hunt,…
Writing better emails (member only)
I do a lot of cold emailing prospects, ususally I keep the message very short (under 3 sentences) and have had decent success doing that. Recently I heard about this guy who teaches cold emailing tips. He has a free pdf you can download if you enter your email address, its worth a read.… announces new pricing plans, rev share
New job board software provider has announced new pricing and the addition of a revenue sharing plan. According to the company; This is great plan for folks just getting started with their job board who aren’t yet ready for a monthly commitment. This allows Job Board owners to really take the time to market…
Some random thoughts (member only)
Dont have a particular topic in mind for this post so I thought I would just put down some random things for everyone. First read this post about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur. Its one of the best things I have seen that really cuts to the heart for getting any business…
Hopping on the temp job bandwagon
I have been reading recently of the surge in temp hiring across the US. Basically employers are really gravitating towards hiring temp workers to fill certain voids. So it got me thinking about a temp job board. I did some searches and couldn’t find may. There was Net-temps, and that was really about it. So…
Job boards and Adsense
If you’ve read past posts you know I am a fan of Adsense for job boards. I believe its FREE MONEY and as long as you have traffic, you WILL make money with it. The best thing about it is that you make money while you sleep. Its a passive income stream that adds to…
Another simple twitter trick
I talked about social media tactics last week but just remembered another one for twitter. I got featured in a blog post last week for somebody’s top list of online recruiting/HR people to follow and I picked up dozens of new followers as a result. So I started to direct message everyone who followed me…. wants your backfill (Q&A)
I met up with some execs recently and asked them to do a quick Q&A for my readers about their job search engine and its backfill opportunities. Check it out. 1) Who is is a comprehensive search engine for jobs with links to millions of jobs from employer career portals, recruiter websites,…