Leave it to me to keep you abreast of the latest job board news. Here’s some of the headlines that caught my eye. Thinking of starting your own job board or need help with your existing one? Contact me, I can help. Realmatch adds more job sites to its portfolio. The company also changed CEO’s recently….
How to monetize job related domains from scratch (member only)
Do you have a job related domain thats just sitting there doing nothing? Well, you have the chance to monetize it with a job board if you do it correctly. Many times I get consulting clients looking to do make some money off their job related domains. Here are my general guidelines for doing this…
The Jobs2Careers interface has a lot to like
Jobs2Careers, a pay per applicant job aggregator has been on a roll lately. They were named to the Inc.com list of fastest growing companies (2014) and they’re about to move into brand new offices in Austin Texas. I gave their site a look the other day and was highly impressed by its design, and UI….
Streamline your apply process
Does your job board or Applicant Tracking Software have a long drawn out apply process? Well if it does you need to change it ASAP. I came across an article recently that talks about how USAjobs.gov‘s apply process is hurting applicants. USAJobs.gov, the main job site for federal employment, has discouraged applicants for years, with…
Get more free traffic with these tactics (member only)
Here are 5 things you can do to immediately get more traffic. 1. Step up your social media. Hire intern for $10/hr, and instruct them to post throughout the day on facebook, twitter and google plus. Share articles related to your niche and general job search advice articles. Scour youtube for funny videos about work/office/jobs…
Jobs boards are becoming ATS’s
Don’t look now but the big job boards are turning into ATS (applicant tracking systems) and the ATS is becoming a job board. Yes they are all morphing into the same thing right before our eyes. As my evidence I’m going to use 2 popular sites: ZipRecruiter and Indeed.com. Indeed started out as an aggregator,…
Is your job board adding connections? (member only)
I was posting a job on Insternships.com the other day and noticed a feature that is becoming more prevalent on job boards—-the ability to to see who you are connected to. This is a feature that is growing in popularity so if you run a job board software company you’ll be better off by getting…
This job board just added video to the mix
CNCJobs.net has launched a job board and resume search engine with support for video (view site). In contrast to text-only job search engines, the website supports both photos and video to help employers and potential employees find the right match. According to the site, these unconventional features will help save employers money while shortening the…
Internships.com just got bought for $11 million
Breaking News off the wires today. CareerArc, the company that also owns TweetMyJobs has sold off one of its big properties, Internships.com to Chegg for 11 million dollars. Here’s the press release. Makes me wonder if their other properties like TMJ are next…?
Fast growing job boards and their revenue numbers
Inc recently came out with their list of the fastest growing companies. The firms in it have to fill out a survey and submit their revenue numbers. This year a number of job boards made the list. Here they are in order of biggest sales to smallest.