While at the Mobile Recruiting Camp event last week I ran into Alexey Gutin from Webscribble.com, the maker of Webjobs job board software. I asked him to give a quick interview about what they’re up to. In addition to job board software they provide employers software to power their career sites. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf3tLWhtup0&feature=share&list=UUwGWBbNzddImXYWEFcgTfdA[/youtube]
Email prospecting tip
When sending out emails to prospective employers there is a trick to getting a better open rate. Send it from a female name. In my experience it will get better open rates. Even if you have to make up a name, it will do better than a mans name or ones like ‘sales@…’
Listen to one of my consulting calls (premium subscribers only)
From time to time I like to record my consulting calls with other job board owners. So here is a 35 minute piece of audio with Dan Besana who runs aidboard.com and 2 country sites puesto.com.mx and puesto.com.co Download MP3 aibboard.com audio
Multiple Revenue Streams
Every new Job board needs multiple revenue streams. You can no longer rely on just job postings to earn income. You need to think of additional ways to add to the bottom line. For example I still own twenty different niche job sites such as Parttimehires.com and Weekendjobhunt.com. These are Jobamatic sites which mean they…
Making money from job seekers: can it be done? (premium)
I see a lot of attempts in the past few years from people trying to make money off job seekers by creating career advice and other products. Sites like Career Brander, Career Successions, Career Shift have popped up offering comprehensive job search/advice services. So there are a lot of these kind of sites that have been launched over the…
Different ways to advertise your job site (screencast)
These are the 7 best (paid) ways to advertise your job board [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHlnqnzHmXw[/youtube] NOTE: since the making of this screencast, Indeed and SimplyHired will no longer index you for free, you must have a minimum spend. This is a free post. Want more powerful advice for your job board? Become a premium member today.
How I use Linkedin to get traffic (premium)
Linkedin has a lot of eyeballs and if you play your cards right you can leverage it for a certain amount of free traffic. Here’s how I do it. If you have a job board you’re going to need a blog for this. A simple wordpress site or tumblr will do the trick. Create a…
Community + Job Board
If you want to start a job board today you seriously need to think about starting something with more than just job listings. This is particularly true if you are entering into a highly competitive niche. I recently consulted for the folks who are starting HRanswerexhange.com. Its aim is to be a community site WITH jobs for…
Other ways of adding value to the job search space (free)
There is more to the job search space than just job boards. Applicant tracking, sourcing tools and talent networks are some other businesses you can go into (to name a few). This post is about thinking outside the box a little and coming up with other ways to add value to job seekers and/or recruiters….
How to get job seekers to come to your site (premium)
A reader emailed me recently to ask how to get job seekers to come to his site. And that my friends is the million dollar question. When it comes to running a job board your marketing will make or break your site. Therefore if you are not familiar with internet marketing in general, you are at a…