Here’s an 8 minute video of my history with jobs boards and how I started [youtube][/youtube]
Author: chrisr2
Job boards rank 4th in survey for getting hires
Think job boards are dying? Think again. Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the outplacement firm, just released results from a new survey of HR executives, asking them to rate the effectiveness of various job search methods on a scale of 1 (least effective) to 5 (most effective). The results show that networking both offline and online…
Dice staying relevant
Recently IT niche job board announced the launch of Dice Learning a search engine for techies to find and complete technical training. I think its a good example of the evolution we’ll be seeing from job sites in the coming years. They need to stay relevant and additional service like Dice’s offering will be…
How to promote the value proposition of niche job boards
The rise of local and niche job boards over the past 5 years is no accident. They work, and that reason is all about the focus and quality results they deliver. When starting my network I used the following quotes in my marketing materials. Forrester Research: “Local Sites Matter. Geography is more important to job seekers…
The future of job boards
Gerry Crispin is an amiable guy. He is one of the gurus of online recruiting and nary a conference goes by that he is not attending or speaking at. I first came to know him from the CareerXroadsconsulting firm that he and his partner run. They used to publish a book of job board listings but…