From time to time I will share new job board ideas that I just haven’t the time or resources to work on. In this post exclusively for premium members I talk about a new concept called “work 4 me“. I think you’ll find that its an interesting idea. Perhaps one day it will be a…
Author: chrisr2
Episode 13: offline marketing materials (free)
If you’re going to do trade shows and job fairs (yes you should if you can) you will need good marketing materials. In this video I’ll show you some of the stuff I use as well as where to get them. [youtube][/youtube] Sites mentioned: * (displays/signs/banners) * (post cards/biz cards/rackcards) * (signs-metal,…
More evidence supports job board success in future
Recently I was alerted to this study by TalentDrive which caught my eye. Check out these 2 points; 1. The survey shows that despite the chaos created by the increased number of applicants online, one of the best ways to locate qualified talent, especially young talent and recent graduates, is still in habitats they are…
Meet Jobtarget’s Ethan Bloomfield
If you attend recruiting conferences in the US, then chances are youve run into Jobtarget’s VP of Operations Ethan Bloomfield. Jason Davis from just published this interview. Find more videos like this on
General marketing tips (episode 10)
In this free episode Chris dishes out some advice for marketing your job board. [youtube][/youtube]
Designing your job board (episode 9)
When it comes to designing your job board, pay special attention to your web design. Dont scrimp on a good logo. Good design = more sales. Watch this 5 minute video and learn more. [youtube][/youtube]
Pricing your job board products (episode 8)
Trying to figure out what to charge for job postings can be a trick business. Here’s some advice for how to price your job board offerings. [youtube][/youtube]
Job board software (episode 7)
Here’s a quick look (7 min) at the types of job board software and the major vendors. [youtube][/youtube] Sites mentioned in this screencast: Jobamatic Beyond Jobthread Jobcoin Jobtarget Adicio Boxwood Joobsbox Jamit OSIRecruiter Jobbex webJobs
Naming your job board (episode 6)
A keyword rich domain name is one of the best things you can do when naming your job board. Picking a domain that says what it is has always been my philosophy for a niche/local job site. In episode 6 of the podcast I explain why and how. [youtube][/youtube]
Starting your job board: pick a niche (episode 5)
The Big 3 (CareerBuilder/Monster/Hotjobs), and now job search engines like Indeed have the national job market covered. Thats why any new job board needs to be niche. Learn more by watching this 3 min video. [youtube][/youtube] Niche boards are more efficient because of their nature. And for employers they offer a less costly way to…