Press Release sites are a great marketing tool for job boards. There are two pay sites worth using as well as a number of free alternatives. The free sites below are great for link building but they wont bring much traffic.
Author: chrisr2
Thoughts on the future of job boards (premium)
I have written a lot about the future of job boards over the past few years. After doing some research I picked out some quotes from others in the industry on this topic.
Job board hours (free)
Running a job board? Expect to keep fairly standard business hours. Generally you’ll do most of your business between the hours of 9am and 6pm. That is when most recruiters, HR people and business owners post their jobs. The weekends will bring a job or two but don’t expect much activity. Tuesdays are probably the…
Why a used job board is better than a new one (premium)
Whenever possible, buy a used job board.
How to position your niche job board
Every job board should have a reason to post jobs on it. For niche and regional sites that reason is self explanatory. The rise of local and niche job boards over the past 5 years is no accident. They work, and that reason is all about the focus and quality results they deliver. The reason…
Google job board product?
I just received an update about the upcoming IAEWS congress that takes place in a few weeks. In it was this message: After over a year of testing, Google is about to announce a new product that can significantly ramp up revenues for job boards. And, where have they chosen to unveil it? At the…
A job board with wordpress (premium)
Here’s a pretty cool way to create a job board with a wordpress blog. The one downside is that is does not allow backfill from the job search engines, but its a nice piece of job board software.
Dont get into these industries (free)
HuffPost has a slideshow about 10 job markets that will never come back. So these are not job boards niches you should be getting into. The industries are: Construction, Automotive Manufacturing, Realtors, Pharmaceuticals, Newspapers, Airlines, Big Telecom, State/local Govt jobs, Mechanics/Repair, Bank Tellers.
Expectations: The Long Haul (premium)
Job boards are not a get rich quick scheme. Here’s my advice on what expectations you need to have in this business.
New job board software: jobboardspro
Another self-installed software for job boards is out. This one is called Job Boards Pro. Price is $195. According to the site: “A solution designed for your needs built with our wide variety of objects and layouts. Web based application written in PHP and using the MySQL database” You can test it; Front Page Administrator…