I’ve talked about how to find leads for your job boards before. The best and most obvious way is going to the other job boards that you compete with and get their email, address or fax number and then send then targeted marketing to use your site instead. So it got me thinking how to…
Author: chrisr2
Job board benchmark study (free)
The IAEWS is launching a new benchmark study for job boards so they can compare stats with each other. I think this will be some good data and encourage all job boards to participate. JobG8 is sponsoring the study. Here’s the email I got yesterday… Join Top Job Boards Participating in Survey What do…
Job board layout (premium)
I’m currently assisting a client to re-evaluate their job boards and suggest some usability and design improvements. It got me thinking about the ideal layout for a job board homepage. The ideal homepage has certain elements, each with a dedicated space that must be “above the fold” so they are visible on the screen. Take…
SEO tip for multiple job boards (premium)
If you run multiple job boards you should be linking to them from each other in the footer of all pages throughout the site. You want to encourage crossover traffic. Here’s how I do it: I created a directory of my other sites using keyword phrases not the actual url. Then in the description of…
Backfill shootout: Indeed vs Jobamatic (premium)
Q. What are the pros and cons of Indeed vs. Jobamatic? Good question my reader asks. Here’s a quick breakdown of each and its capabilities. SIMPLY HIRED’S JOBAMATIC Pro: Free hosting Pro: Two ways to earn: clicks and postings Pro: lots of jobs Pro: setup quickly and easily Pro: xml feed available Con: design limitations…
New job boards online (free)
Here are some new job boards that came online recently. ThePortlander – a news site launches job listings. It offers an interesting pricing structure along with a simple clean look and feel: “Regular listings are active for 14 days and cost just $9.99. Featured listings are visually called out on the site and are active…
7 ways to drive traffic to your job board (premium)
A reader asks: I was wondering if you had any interesting tips for driving additional traffic to the site. Well first I would say read all the posts I’ve done on marketing your job board. But in the interest of time here are several ways to dive traffic to your job board. 1. Indeed &…
Q. Should I create local job boards? (premium)
A reader asks: What are your thoughts about creating a bunch of local (city or county specific) JBs using jobamatic for the backfill and adsense revenue? A. Local is a very mature market. Each state has literally 5-10 different boards covering it (plus craigslist). You could try county based versions like mine but I havent…
Quick tip on the software I use (free)
A reader asks: what software are you using to create your home pages? Did you create your own logo or outsource the design? First I do most of my own coding when it comes to creating a page for my job boards. If I’m starting one with Jobtarget I’ll create a template which is basically…
Job board news (free)
Here’s a quick roundup of some job board news. New Site: Founded in 2011, HyperionPros is a niche job board specializing in bringing together Hyperion and SAP Professionals with prospective employers looking for highly skilled candidates. For more information, visit www.hyperionpros.com. (its using the Job Roller wordpress them but it could use a design makeover)…