Colors are important. And when it comes to buttons, the bolder the better. Particularly for “Post a Job” buttons. There’s a reason Jobamatic sites come with a big red post a job button. It calls attention to the number one way you’ll make money. Through employers. So make your post a job buttons big and…
Author: chrisr2
Jobs and Steve Jobs
I never used to be a Mac guy. My first experience with a Macintosh computer came while I worked a help desk as a tech support rep in the late 90’s. I found them to be strange machines and didn’t understand all the hoopla. Raised on PC’s, I never quite got the hang of troubleshooting them. Then it all…
A small facebook tip (free)
I’m not a huge fan of facebook fan pages for job boards. I’ve used it for my flagship site for years but it never really gained many followers. But lately its picked up a few fans and I think I know why. I have it setup to re-post certain jobs but I recently began an effort to…
My Sales Strategies (premium)
I dont do cold calls. Too much effort for too little reward. Plus my business is well established so I dont really have to. Instead I rely on 3 things for driving sales to my job boards…targeted emails, faxing and direct mail. Recently I showed you 2 tools to find email addresses off other job…
New Job Boards (free)
Here are some new job related sites that are being launched… – CareerBuilder has just launched a job search site that allows users to find out how their credentials stack up to other candidates for a job. The site will offer a “job competition report” as a means to differentiate itself and help lure quality candidates who may…
JobRoller puts out new version of wordpress theme (free)
The latest version of JobRoller is now available. This release (1.5) includes several bug fixes, new features, and an important Indeed integration change. Please read this entire email before performing the upgrade as not everyone may wish to do so. I use this software on Audio Jobs if you want to see it in action….
Freakin’ awesome tool to generate sales (premium)
Last week I discovered what might be the greatest tool a job board owner could ever have. It is called Email Grabber. It’s a program that crawls any website and collects ALL the emails it finds. It’s instant lead generation every job board should have. Before I found this tool I had been thinking about…
How to make you job board sell-able (premium)
The job board business is a very cyclical one. Our fortunes rise and fall on the back of the overall labor market. Anyone who tries to sell in a down market (like today) will get less because no one knows when the employment picture will stabilize. It wont be a good market to sell until we see…
Job board news (free)
Some things from the job board industry in the news… The Newest 3.4 Version of SmartJobBoard Software is Released SmartJobBoard is a top software development company employing its vast potential, creative approach and strong resources in provision of up to date software for job boards. The team of its IT professionals has developed and issued…
How much can you make with Adsense? (premium)
I get asked a lot about how much job boards can make with Adsense. So I though why not show exactly what I make to give you a better idea. The image below shows my earnings for most of September. I should make a few more hundred this month but have earned $1,449 so far…