No job board software exists that lets you charge a monthly fee to job seekers. They are all driven by employers paying to post. But there is a desire for some entrepreneurs to build this kind of reverse job board so here’s a to actually do that using a combination of tools.
Mightynetworks is a cloud based membership platform that you can charge access to. It comes with a ton of features to build out a community for whatever niche you want and you can include things like courses inside it as well.
So you could launch a site like that ($81/month for the account with courses) and then plugin a low cost tool like JobBoardFire ($97/month) or perhaps use a WordPress job theme.
You’d be paying around $178/month then for a membership site AND job board. The job board would need to be on a subdomain like but combined the two will give you the best of both worlds.
Making the job board public on its own domain also allows it to be a lead magnet for the actual community site. Though the two platforms wont work together, you can use design/branding to make them look like one site through images and links.
It could be just what you need to create a member only job community. This type of model also means you’d better be good at online community building in a specific niche. If you aren’t willing to curate and create the right type of content and engagement then you won’t be too successful.