If you just make money off job postings it’s time to break out into new revenue streams. I was speaking to a job board owner recently who had not done so yet and was wondering what to do to make more money. “Diversify” I told him. “You need to open up new streams of revenue“.
With the threat of big companies entering the job search space, today’s job boards must MAXIMIZE their revenue potential. That means selling advertising, using Adsense, Backfill and more. (You can check out my ebook on this subject here)
Tools like Adsense offer you free money as long as you have traffic so why would you turn that down? Too many new job board owners fail to realize they are running an internet business. Internet businesses only survive by creating different ways to make money. Gone are the days of relying solely on job postings to do that.
You need to branch out. At the very least you should be adding backfill revenue and Adsense to start. If you have 5,000 – 10,000 monthly visitors that could mean hundreds of extra dollars per month. Thats not a windfall but it adds to your bottom line and makes you more profitable.
More profits equal a more successful business and makes your site more valuable in the long run.