I am looking for a few job boards to team up with me in what I call a “social media content ring“. The goal is to help each participant to increase views on their blog content by having each member of the ring auto publish the other’s content.
I am already working with a number of sites like Job Monkey through my CareerCloud site.
Here’s how it works. To participate you will need access to a social media tool like Buffer, Dlvr.it or Meet Edgar.
1. Exchange RSS feeds with CareerCloud.
2. CareerCloud will auto-publish your content to its Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin channels.
3. Your site auto-publishes the CareerCloud feed to its Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin channels.
4. We all get more exposure!
Now I have a few limitations. I am only willing to partner with established sites who have at least 1,000 social media followers. Your Content must be job search related and not be spammy. Career Coaches are also a good fit who write on their blog. You must also have channels on the big 3 – Facebook/Twitter/LI.