Job boards are considered “old school” recruiting by many people. And that description is fairly accurate for most sites out there that haven’t changed over the years. I’ve seen 10 year job boards that looked exactly like they did 10 years ago. There is a certain perception there that will be hard to shake.
If you look at the “new school” job board approach you see sites like Linkedin and Indeed. They are both more than just job postings. They are more open. They offer multiple ways to recruit or be found.
Today’s recruiter has never had more ways to find people to fill jobs. It’s a much more competitive landscape we all live in. So my advice to job boards still stuck in the 2000’s is become more relevant.
How? You can start by unlocking your resumes, make them searchable by Google and the Sourcers will come.
Job boards need more reasons for recruiters to visit their sites beyond job postings. Perhaps the best way to do that is let them search your resumes for free. Follow the lead of Linkedin and Indeed Resumes which have become the defacto resume database for the U.S. You can still charge for access to contact info either by subscription or per lead. Indeed charges $1 to email a candidate in their system.
My point is that personal data is everywhere now and if your database is locked behind a paywall you need to join the new school approach of recruiting and put those profiles into the greater pool of people that can already be found online for free. I’m sure the new crop of people search engines like Entelo and HiringSolved will gladly index your resumes too if you have enough of them.
So if you are building a job board today be sure to let your candidates publicly publish their data. Make your site a destination for Sourcers.