Adding additional revenue to you job board is not that hard. Think about adding affiliate programs to add a little $$$ to your bottom line. Here are several ways to do that;
Resume Writers: partner with resume writers to send them leads. I see this one on twitter all the time.
Enchanted Careers, LLC, offers interview generating resume writing services, and training to improve online recruitment content.
ZipAlerts provides hosted email job alerts for job seekers and you can earn $$$ by becoming an affiliate. I recently got my first check after installing it on one of my old domains I had lying around.
Commission Junction and ClickBank have been around a few years and each has ways to earn money by letting you put banner ads on your site for related products like ebooks and other job search services.
Resume Rabbit has also been around for years and offers chance to earn $30 for each order.
Live Career is another resume builder affiliate program.
The other thing you can do is use Amazon’s affiliate program to set up a bookstore with job search and career advice books.
Nice list Chris. I wanted to add