A reader asks;
I know most job posts are crap, but the trick is how to help your
employers writer better job posts. Any advice here?
Well yes there is. You should really review as many of the jobs that get posted to your site as possible. Look for spelling errors and other mistakes. For instance sometimes I’ll notice they forget to put an apply link or email or that they messed up the job title. Alert the employer when this happens.
You need to spot BAD job descriptions as they happen if you dont that employer is less likely to re-post. Here are some guidelines to help them.
1. Check the job title. If the title says something like “Account Executive” its a title that can be improved. Account exec of what? what kind of industry? what product or service will candidates be selling? All these things should be in the job title to give it CONTEXT. The job title is the first things a job seeker sees. Its a headline that HAS to sell the job.
Lets say the job is a sales role for a latex manufacturing company. Instead of ‘Account Exec’ i would change it to something like;
Account Executive – Latex Manufacturer – B2B Sales
This tells the job seeker a lot more about the job all in one simple headline.
2. Keywords. Read the job description. If there is a chance to add more keywords to the description, do it. Job seekers search by keywords. If you want a job to get more views, add keywords.