Google loves timely content. If they find an article about a hot topic you can sometimes get a topical article to rank for SEO. Case in point: DEI topics.
My client, EmployDiversity which has been around for 20+ years as a diversity job board, blogs regularly and I make suggestions to their writing team on a monthly basis. Having seen the heated discussion around the topic of diversity I figured a little pushback, in the form of a piece that highlighted ten large employers still committed to DEI would make the perfect blog post.
And I was right!
For at least one day it was #1 for various phrases like ‘employers still hiring for DEI‘. Its currently ranking as the #2 result but back on March 9th it was #1 and brought in 221 clicks based on 4541 impressions.

Overall that blog post has resulted in 776 clicks in just a few weeks!

Sometimes SEO is about delivering the right content at the right time, so stay on top of trends in the news and capitalize on it via your blog.