In case you missed last weeks virtual meetup for job board owners, here’s the replay and chat transcript.
00:01:56 Peter Askew:
00:02:04 Kasia Lynch: Japanese jobs in the US:
00:02:05 Tammy Anderson:
00:02:06 Sam Mokhtary:
00:02:06 Michael Corso:
00:02:08 Adam Berkowitz: Adam @ Adzuna
00:02:27 Nick LeRoy:
00:02:54 Steven Rothberg: I’m the founder of College Recruiter job search site and cohost of the Inside Job Boards and Recruitment Marketplaces Podcast
00:02:54 Peter Askew: Reacted to “” with ?
00:04:37 Roger Lear:
00:08:03 Michael Ang:
00:08:09 Herb Dew:
00:09:18 Aneeqa R: Pros & cons of unlimited job packages for recruiters? Does it decrease value? Same with coupons?
00:14:31 Tammy Anderson: Does anyone else use JBoard? I’d be interested to speak with you about how you use your board.
00:15:27 Adam Berkowitz: Replying to “Does anyone else use…” Tammy, I would recommend Market Grabber vs JBoard. We work with them. Let know if want an intro.
00:16:05 Tammy Anderson: Replying to “Does anyone else use…” Thank you, I’ll look into them.
00:16:53 Kasia Lynch: Re: SEO, I just signed up for this course from Lior Neu-ner if anyone else is interested:
00:17:02 Jim Durbin: launching in January – recruitment marketing and people analytics rolls.
00:29:27 Adam Berkowitz: How to become a Certified Nursing Assistant? –
00:36:04 Chris Russell: got it tammy, next
00:36:13 Steven Rothberg: Reacted to “got it tammy, next” with ??
00:36:28 Tammy Anderson: Reacted to “got it tammy, next” with ?
00:51:20 Adam Berkowitz: Before this ends, shameless plug…wanted to share that Adzuna is looking to partner with different niche job boards by providing backfill jobs (XML or API) and monetization. I manage new partnerships and if interested to discuss ping me at
00:52:39 Sam Mokhtary: Adam if I remember rightly, adzuna is usually only a backfill option for North America right?
00:53:53 Kasia Lynch: I have to run, but it was super nice to be here! If anyone wants to connect, I’m on LI:
00:54:53 Aneeqa R: Thanks for your time! Super useful! 00:55:38 Adam Berkowitz: Replying to “Adam if I remember r…” Not just NA I meant, although that is my focus.
00:56:15 Sam Mokhtary: If you might have quality backfill for UAE / KSA for tech jobs, please send me an email 00:59:02 Peter Askew: Enjoyed it.. thanks for hosting this Chris
00:59:38 Michael Ang: Let’s do this again!
01:00:31 Sheila Jordan: Thanks so much!