There are a lot of remote job boards online today. And I have counseled folks not to start one because of all the competition that exists. But there are room for certain types of remote sites.
I approached my friends at Aspen Tech Labs about leveraging their jobs index combined with their JobMount software about launching a remote jobs aggregator. And after a few weeks of configuration I am proud to announce It scrapes nearly 60,000 remote jobs directly from employer websites and instantly became the largest free remote job resource on the internet.
Most of the remote job boards that exist contain a few hundred to a few thousand listings and I had no interest in making something like that. I wanted to create value for the job seeker and the best way to do that was to stock the site with an overwhelming amount of remote listings.
I do not plan to make money with RemoteFetch.
The goal for year 1 is to just grow the job seeker traffic. I want to see how big the site can get. Remote jobs are THE most sought after role for job seekers and a site like this should be a traffic magnet. Already in the first week, with just a few social media posts, RemoteFetch is getting 200+ daily visitors. That’s on track to deliver 5k users in just the first month. A good start.
Aspen Tech has donated their services to this project so a big shoutout to them for doing so. I will be chronicling the status of the site each month and keep you apprised on how its performing.