A number of online web services promise to help you launch all kinds of web applications without being a programmer.
Webflow is one of those tools. Thy have over 1,000 business, portfolio, and blog templates you can customize with Webflow’s code-free design tools. A quick search of their templates reveals several job board themes.

Keep in mu these are basic sites with only post a job features, they don’t appear to have resume storage or other advanced features. For example the “Job Board X” theme offers the following pages:
- Home
- About
- Companies (CMS)
- Company (CMS)
- Job Post (CMS)
- Job Category (CMS)
- Post a Job
- Featured Jobs (Ecommerce)
- Featured Job Package (Ecommerce)
- Blog (CMS)
- Blog Post (CMS)
- Contact
- Styleguide & UI Kit
- Password Protected
- 404 Not Found
So these templates might be a good option to just test your job board idea without breaking the back for a full fledged cloud software solution. You can even hire a freelancer via their marketplace to help you build it.
Templates like this don’t offer full job board functionality but they are an option if you just need something basic.