One of the more common responses to my newsletter marketing strategy I tell my clients is that you have to talk to your employers on a regular basis. Whether that is once a month or once a week is up to you, but the main point is to REMIND them that you exist.
Sounds kinda dumb but the average HR person/Recruiter/ Business Owner you are dealing with may not have your site at their top of mind every time they need to fill an opening. They are busy people. You almost need to train them to think of you.
Busy equals forgetful in the world of recruiting.
That’s what you should be emailing your past clients/employers that you still exist.
Do this with relevant industry news (curate it), discounts off your products and anything else that might help them do their job better/faster/cheaper.
At a minimum send them a monthly newsletter. Put in some calls to action for posting a job or downloading your newest media kit.
Consistent reminders will lead to repeat sales over time. Just stick to a regular schedule and deliver on your promise.
Reminders work.