What’s a successful local job board? One need only ask Mac Prichard who runs MacsList.org, a local job resource for the Pacific Northwest. I Zoomed him recently and asked him to share his story.
- Give the viewers a short history of your business
- You’ve really built a community not just a job board, talk about the importance of that and how you help create community through the business
- I know the pandemic has affected most online job boards…How has Covid affected your business?
- Can you give us a sense of the traffic you get monthly and also what tech platforms you run your site on?
- Whats your marketing strategy…can you talk about the channels you use to market the content/jobs?
- Best source of traffic…google for jobs?
- Content strategy/podcast/email lists…ho much content
- Course? I see you offer some job search courses using the teachable platform
See also: Find Your Dream Job podcast