CanadaHires is a national job site for Canada that was started back in 2015. It is up for sale by its current owner.
The sale comes with the domain, associated job site data (hosted via and all social media accounts including a LinkedIn company page that boasts over 41,000 followers. The Facebook page has around 2000 followers.
According to the owner, web traffic is around 2000 unique visitors per month.
Income from Ziprecruiter is for last 4 months is $448. Income from direct job postings is $123 since they made the switch from a wordpress theme to
11,000 emails of employers are included with this sale.
Why Buy It?
To me this is an undervalued asset that could bring in $50k-$100k or more per year eventually for the right owner.
Right now the site has not done any sales and marketing. It needs a marketer to maximize the value.
The Linkedin page alone with its 41k followers should bring in more visits if you push enough jobs to it. Plus you can add other backfill revenue from providers like Jobg8 to get thousands of more jobs onto the site in addition to the Ziprecruiter backfill. With that, and a solid content strategy you should be able to get to 10k+ monthly visits in six months if you put in the work.
With Workopolis being acquired by Indeed there may be a market for an independent nationwide site for Canada again. is a good bargain and would make a great starter business for the right person. And I always say that buying a used job site is easier than starting one from scratch.
Asking price is $10k. Email me to be referred to its owner.