There aren’t many job boards on Instagram, but if you know how to use it properly it can pay off from a branding standpoint and perhaps some traffic. actually does a great job of marketing their jobs on Insta so I am going to use them as the example you should follow. It takes time and effort so you’ll need to put a human on the account but its fairly easy to accomplish if you dedicate some resources to the channel.
Look at the example below. They use their own short domain name to embed in the description. That makes it easy to copy/remember. Though links are not clickable in posts, using the short domain is the best way around this. Also they use lots of hashtags to help make the post more discoverable. Hashtags are BIG on Instagram, the more you use, the better.
And they also put the url on individual pics. Branding each image is also a good idea. By using a dedicated short domain like this you can track visitors via your web stats and see how Instagram delivers.