If you run a job board, JobAdX wants to chat with you about becoming part of their job ad marketplace. I call their new platform the ‘Adsense for jobs‘.
It’s basically another way to backfill your site but it sits in your job results on the first page as kind of a premium in feed ad that looks exactly like your normal job listings. Sites like Nexxt, TrendingJobs and Nerdyhire are already using it. Here’s what it looks like after I did a search on Nerdyhire.com;
The job for DISH looks just like organic listings except for the sponsored by text in the upper right. If clicked, Nerdyhire earns revenue on a CPC level which is averaging 20-25 cents per click. That type of return is two to four times what other backfill provers will typically give you.
As one of my newest consulting clients I am posting this to help spread the word. After signing up as a partner you get a dashboard to track your earnings. Setup is easy, there are just a few lines of javascript code you need to insert in your header and on the job search results page of your site. You can add up to 5 JobAdx blocks among your results and place them anywhere from top to bottom. For best results I recommend inserting them around the 3rd or 4th spot in results. The jobs that appear are based off whatever the job seeker typed into your search box.
If you currently mix in Adsense blocks in your results try replacing one or two as a test. The JobAdX block should offer a higher return for each click. After all, its better to have a job in your results than an advertisement for something else, right?
Right now this service doesn’t work with existing hosted software ( like Smart or Jobboard.io) because those sites don’t let you touch the underlying code. But if you use a WordPress based job board theme or have coded your own site this would be a great add-on to your monetization strategy. It doesn’t replace your existing backfill but it is another way to make money off job seeker clicks.
Signup here to get a demo scheduled or learn more.