I was posting a job on Insternships.com the other day and noticed a feature that is becoming more prevalent on job boards—-the ability to to see who you are connected to. This is a feature that is growing in popularity so if you run a job board software company you’ll be better off by getting on this trend now. Its becoming more ubiquitous and job seekers will soon begin to expect it.
Connections allow you to see who you are connected to at a company that the job is posted with. You can do this through 2 primary sources, Linkedin and Facebook (via API). By allowing job seekers to upload their connections you can help them see who they know at potential employers. My Jobs With Friends tool on CareerCloud is a good example of this.
It’s a much better experience to see who you know at a company while job hunting. It makes it a more personal experience and leads to more referrals. So if you coded your own job board consider adding this new feature. Its where job search is headed.