I was at a conference recently when another job board owner posed this question to me. Why is there no other site that targets part-time jobs other than Snag-a-Job?
Its a good question and one I have been wondering about myself. A few years back I started looking at that space. Here’s what I found.
1. Craigslist has a big part of the part-time job market which most people don’t realize. They get a lot of those “one-off” single jobs that someone just wants to post quickly and cheaply.
2. The best domain names for part time jobs are owned by domainers. They are just sitting on the domains and making money on the type-in traffic. I inquired about parttimejobs.com and was told the asking price was north of 100k. Its probaly less now since the Google Panda changes. That site no longer ranks in the top 10 for the phrase “part time jobs”. Indeed gets the top spot, Snagajob is number 3.
3. A national site like this would be expensive to get off the ground. It will take a lot of marketing dollars to get traffic.
Launching a part time job board is a niche that I think could work. But its a risk going up against the like of craigslist which has such a huge mind share of that job market.