This week Jobcircle was acquired by is a well established board that serves the mid-atlantic region around Philadelphia-Baltimore. In addition to their job postings they have some innovative services such as Rezrocket and Voiceblast (read about those here). I dont know how much they bought it for but I’d guess between 2x-3x times revenue.
If there is a lesson here for the rest of you who dream of being bought one day, consider these thoughts;
1. Be in in it for the long haul. Jobcircle is 10+ years old. So you must establish yourself.
2. Gather as many job seeker resumes/emails as possible. Jobcircle has over 1 million of them.
3. Create MULTIPLE REVENUE STREAMS. A job site needs more than just job postings to survive. To thrive you has have a variety of ways to serve employers and job seekers.
4. Establish relationships in the job board industry. You are more likely to get bought by a similar business so make friends with those around you. Go to the IAEWS events. Join, network, network, network.
When it comes time to sell, it may just come down to who you know.